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IMAX Expansion in BRIC Economies - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Dwarkaprasad Chakravarty; Paul W. Beamish;
出版日期:2015/03/16內容長度:16 頁

Teaching note for product 9B15M028.

IMAX Expansion in BRIC Economies (Revised)
作者姓名:Dwarkaprasad Chakravarty; Paul W. Beamish;
商品類型:Case (Library)商品編號:9B15M028
出版日期:2015/03/16內容長度:14 頁

IMAX is a Canadian-based company synonymous with large-format, high-quality cinematic experiences. Following four decades of innovation, the bulk of its revenue now comes from providing technology to mainstream movie studios and multiplex exhibitors. IMAX has more than 900 cinema screens in 58 countries, with nearly half of them located in North America. Its chief executive officer believes that the route to becoming a billion-dollar company involves .....more

WWF's Living Planet @ Work: Championed by HP
作者姓名:Oana Branzei; Haiying Lin; Dwarkaprasad Chakravarty;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B14M014
出版日期:2014/08/01內容長度:16 頁

Leading up to the completion of a successful partnership between Hewlett-Packard Canada and World Wildlife Fund Canada, the two individuals who championed the program contemplate their separate and joint next steps: should their organizations renew or exit the partnership? Together, they had designed and delivered a world-first program, Living Planet @ Work, which had enrolled more than 500 companies, large and small, whose employees had already raised .....more